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Bluestep Bank’s Annual General Meeting 2019 and Annual Report 2018
23 April 2019 RegulatoryBluestep Bank AB (publ):s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was concluded on the 23rdof April 2019. The AGM re-elected the Board and Auditor. The Board and Chief Executive Officer also publish the Annual Report of Bluestep Bank AB (publ) for 2018.Read more
Complement - BlueStep Bank AB Year-End Report 2018
28 February 2019 RegulatoryThe complement refers to attachment of the year-end report and deletion of the reference to the Swedish Securities Market ActRead more
Komplettering - BlueStep Bank AB bokslutskommuniké 2018
28 February 2019 RegulatoryKompletteringen avser biläggande av bokslutskommunikén i sin helhet samt borttagen referens till lagen om värdepappersmarknaden.Read more
BlueStep Bank AB bokslutskommuniké 2018
28 February 2019 RegulatoryUtlåning till allmänheten ökade med 6,5% jämfört med december 2017 och uppgick vid årsskiftet till 14,5 miljarder kronor. Resultatutveckling: 1 januari – 31 december 2018 (jämfört med samma period 2017) Rörelsens intäkter uppgick till 746,0 Mkr (675,3)Read more
BlueStep Bank AB Year-End Report 2018
28 February 2019 RegulatoryThe loan portfolio increased by 6.5% compared to December 2017 and amounted to SEK 14.5 billion at year-end 2018. Result development: 1 January – 31 December 2018 (compared to same period 2017) Total operating income amounted to MSEK 746.0 (675.3)Read more
BlueStep Bank har lämnat in en ansökan för tillstånd att ge ut säkerställda obligationer
20 December 2018BlueStep Bank AB (publ) (“BlueStep”) har idag, den 20 december, till Finansinspektionen inlämnat en ansökan om tillstånd att ge ut säkerställda obligationer. Ansökan är ett ytterligare steg i diversifieringen av BlueSteps finansiering. BlueStep räknar med att påbörja utgivning av säkerställda obligationer tidigast under andra halvåret 2019.Read more
BlueStep Bank has submitted an application for license to issue covered bonds
20 December 2018BlueStep Bank AB (publ) (“BlueStep”) has today, the 20th of December, submitted an application to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority for a license to issue covered bonds. The application is an additional step in the diversification of BlueStep’s funding. BlueStep expects issuance of covered bonds to begin in the second half of 2019 at theRead more
BlueStep Bank issues SEK 200 million of senior unsecured bonds
06 December 2018BlueStep Bank AB (publ), (“BlueStep”), has successfully issued a 3 year SEK 200m senior unsecured bond transaction. The bonds pay a coupon of 3m Stibor + 1.75% and will be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. The transaction was issued under BlueStep’s recently established MTN programme, with a total framework amount of SEK 5 bn.Read more
BlueStep Bank emitterar seniora icke-säkerställda obligationer om 200 miljoner kronor
06 December 2018BlueStep Bank AB (publ), (“BlueStep”), har emitterat 200m SEK seniora icke-säkerställda obligationer med en löptid om 3 år. Obligationerna kommer att löpa med en rörlig ränta om 3m Stibor + 1,75% och kommer att noteras på Nasdaq Stockholm. Transaktionen genomfördes under BlueSteps MTN-program, med en total ram om 5 miljarder kronor.Read more
BlueStep establishes a Medium Term Note Programme
13 November 2018BlueStep Bank AB (publ) (“BlueStep”) has established a Medium Term Note Programme (the “MTN Programme”) with a framework amount of SEK 5,000,000,000 or the equivalent amount in EUR or NOK. For this purpose, BlueStep has prepared a base prospectus which was approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority on the 12th of November 2018.Read more

Head of Communications
Juan Navas
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Bluestep Bank
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